Hi Guys,
Today we will discuss how the COVID-19 (also known as COrona VIrus Disease or 2019 novel Coronavirus) will impact the Digital Industry as we know it today.
Impacts of COVID-19 on Digital Industry
After the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic, we are witnessing a massive disruption in various industries. The digital industry is also not completely shielded from its consequences. The algorithms of various digital marketing companies like media, digital marketing, technology and others have been altered altogether.
The world has become global, mainly due to the extensive network of support from the IT sector. However, there might be certain retrenchment as clients will limit IT spends and outsourcing strategies. The post-crisis situation can be relatively better, for the future of IT Industries after quarantine.
There has been a major blow on the activities of the workforce due to impose of lockdowns on outside contacts and social distancing. In fact, the organizations that never allowed remote work are venturing work from home options. Such decisions are taken to safeguard the health of the employees and business concerns.
COVID-19 and its impact on the different digital industries:
Digital Marketing
Digital marketing companies have somewhat witnessed mixed trends after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The digital promotion for many products and services has gone inactive. This includes industries like tourism, hospitality, airlines, apparels, garments and others.
Alternatively, there has been a shift in consumer behaviour due to home restrictions. According to a survey by NRF (National Retail Federation, US), significant changes have been observed in consumer behaviour.
Out of 10 consumers, 9 of them have changed their traditional shopping habits. About 6 in 10 consumers are worried to go outside for fear of getting infected. Almost 50% of the consumers ordered products online, who would prefer purchasing for stores.
As the community will survive beyond the crisis, digital adoption is undoubtedly going to gain momentum. The behaviour will be mainly shaped on two criteria-
- The likelihood of getting infected due to mingling,
- and swift modus operandi of the digital platforms.
Not to forget that online content is being consumed these days like never before. At this point, many brands are becoming sensitive to engage with influencers to tap their customer base. It is an excellent idea to promote essential goods and services to the customers through these influencers.
IT Industry
The IT Sector has also been affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. There are many employees who are finding it challenging to retain their jobs and are giving up. The uncertainty in these economic conditions with concerns of recession are curtailing the budget of IT clients and slowing down new ventures. The trend indicates a strike on the employment level as well.
The industry has been rather benign towards its workforce by allowing them to work from home.
Though, the remote working locations might create issues with data breach and cybersecurity threats.
The industry, although remains promising for the upcoming times. Many IT companies will embrace and invest in new technologies like CyberSecurity. New business opportunities will evolve on platforms like clouds and other digitized mediums. Also, multinational companies will likely alliance with smaller IT companies to continue providing their business.
The current onset is temporary and the industry will soon bounce back. The IT sector is built on strong fundamentals that have the ability to absorb shocks of the crisis.
The media that covers a vast segment has also seen the changing drifts. There was a sharp drop in advertising investment and it included social media platforms like Facebook and Google.
The worst-hit are the film industry as cinema halls and theatres are closed for an indefinite time. In the post COVID era, cinemas definitely have to reinvent themselves to approach the audiences and entertain them.
However, there was a renewed interest in television all over the world, mainly for the need for information related to the pandemic. It can be viewed in terms of Maslow’s pyramid for the survival of the individual.
![Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/88/Maslow%27s_Hierarchy_of_Needs.jpg)
Maslow’s Pyramid
Besides, streaming sites emerged as a winner with a sharp rise in the subscription of many platforms. It includes online media channels like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+, etc. Even radio broadcasting gain listeners during the ongoing corona crisis.
The post corona phase will be challenging for digital entrepreneurs to get back into the standardized version. The sudden onset of coronavirus has definitely given a backseat to many digital marketing companies in the digital transformation game. With inadequate digital strategies, many businesses are finding it really difficult to survive.
Nevertheless, the future of the IT industry after quarantine will continue to rise due to the benefits offered by this sector. Advertisements and promotions will channelize other routes to influence customers. E-commerce platforms will also achieve significance on a different level.
While some of the changes are temporary, others are sure to become permanent. In general, the digital industry will continue to thrive and prosper due to less involvement in the physical medium. Interestingly, it has opened different doors from where businesses can carve out new ways for the future.
Guest Author Bio
Alice Martin is a content writer and guest post writer for TechGlobule.com.
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